Kathryn Wight - Wight Noise Dance Company
March 14, 2020

Kathryn Wight - Wight Noise Dance Company

What could be a better way to start our Studios in the Spotlight Series than speaking with the Marketing and Choreography Guru of Wight Noise Dance Studio, Kathryn Wight.

When I spoke with Kathryn she was in Los Angeles, CA working on securing choreographers for their studio in Peoria, AZ. Which I learned during our interview, is an integral part of their students’ experience.

It is a pleasure to talk with you today and pick your brain about what makes Wight Noise such an outstanding studio. Tell me about you, where you’re from, and a little about your background in dance.

Yes, thank you. I am an Arizona native, born and raised in Peoria, AZ. I started dancing as a child. My mother Rachel was a dancer from Orange County and received her masters from Grand Canyon University. She has been involved in teaching dance for 25 years. I also graduated from Grand Canyon with a major in business and a minor in dance.

With that background you were almost born into dance. Tell us more about Wight Noise’s story.

We purchased the studio from a friend 4 years ago. At that time, he offered Dance, Cheer and Gymnastics. However, before this we were Wight Noise Dance Company, a professional dance company, which my mother, Rachel, directed.

Walk me through the types of dance classes you offer.

When we started, we offered adult drop-in classes such as hip hop, heels, contemporary and jazz. We now offer a range of classes from mommy and me classes for toddlers up through 18+ in Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop and we still offer our staple adult drop-in classes.

Your studio has popular community and family events. What do you have coming up soon?

For the past 5 years, we have sponsored AZ Dance West Fest.  It is a festival that features artists in dance, music, poetry, visual, culinary art, and even a fire eater. We also have an event scheduled in March with Kevin “Konkrete” Davis. He is from the Bay Area and competed in Season 6 of America's Best Dance Crew with Street Kingdom, and he was most recently seen on Season 2 of World of Dance with B'Dash.

What would you say is the main goal of Wight Noise Studio?

Our goal is to build lifelong lovers of dance.Dance is one of the most AMAZING ways to strengthen your body, spirit and mind and no matter what your age, the overall well-being dance provides will add years and quality to your life!

One last question, if you could give your younger self advice what would it be?

I would tell my younger self to find a way. If you can’t afford class, then train yourself. Don’t ever think you have to have or do something because others do.

And that is great advice for anyone. I appreciate Kat’s authenticity and willingness to open her studio to us. If there are other questions you would like for me to ask on future posts, please message me or visit us on social media.

